Where your start to high earnings becomes a reality more than just a dream. Click above for free entry
New business online is an information page or blog to support the small to medium business owner and help online marketer to achieve greater market results
Just click through for free access and results that will amaze you and increase your earnings
First up let’s review several products that will help you achieve the desired results in your business.
Achieving business growth using the best of the internet can provide a fast track to success. Business results with the aid of the internet. The first will be a Company called Wealthy Affiliate. Now I have used WA for several years as a hosting company and a training resource at WA University
Importantly, you gain completely free access to WA for most of the training and you are able to build a free website with a target of choice.
Next, you can transfer all the content into a paid domain and pay a low monthly fee for up to 50 websites.
WordPress Training
In addition, they have complete training on WordPress in a very easy-to-follow format, Online resources plus, and most valuable, a very active group to answer questions.
This is really a try before you buy the concept and many never graduate through to a premium account at Just $49
The magic of WordPress 5.1 and Gutenberg is well covered in a couple of blogs that demystify the whole thing.
You will really like WP 5 provided you understand a few simple tricks that can make your journey a lot easier.
Therefore if you want to look at the online training I have previewed the first section here for you.
Are there Upsells at Wealthy Affiliate?
In addition, there are no upsells, there are monthly payments if you upgrade, and regular discounts to go annually.
Without a doubt the best web hosting available in the market.
Why build a website anyway?
It may be to make money, a business you own, a funnel, a shop online or any of many reasons.
For example, I started my journey on the internet because every business owner must know what is going on.
Consequently, you can pay others for what you need but understand what you want in advance.
The best ways to use social media
Whoa, you say I am not ready for Instagram, Well yes and no.
Instagram can kick-start your business, and again, it is totally free Cut over to my review and find out how Kayla Itsenis grew to 8.7 million followers using only Instagram.
Above all your Instagram channel is the new darling of marketing and followers are moving in droves.
Facebook is not dead
In fact, Facebook can achieve great results if you treat it like a business. It may be a great social tool but it is also a must-use sales weapon.
We even look at retargeting / remarketing as a tool and what it means to you. This is when an advert pops up after you have looked at a web page.
Do they grab all your info and share it with everyone or is this just a simple trick Read about it right here at Retargeting a trick to use
Posting on Facebook can be hard work although not posting on Facebook can result in poor results.
Here we look at Facebook scheduling your friend forever
We will explain why everyone in business should be on LinkedIn with a great profile picture and full bio. Searches may be by bankers and suppliers’ customers. The reason for searching ties in with the Know, like, and trust factor that generates people to your business.
Yes, you can market on LinkedIn and post articles along the way to enforce your brand.
So, you think you can’t write?
Think you are not a writer or an author? Well, think again because this next product will hold your hand all the way.
Not being a good speller, and this is an understatement, I am too old to change many of my habits. Therefore I could not exist without using Grammarly, a product that is a must and it is also free.
Yes, they may offer you an upgrade for greater content control although for most of us the free version is more than enough so don’t waste your money.
Finally, I have written on this with several articles on writing blogs and this is how to make Blog writing easy.
My Free Keyword tool is just for you
Keywords are the most important part of your whole internet association.
They act as a marker for ways to find your business and what you sell.
Short tail and long tail, traffic, and position are all discussed in the daily blogs that certainly
need to be consumed by you.
Don’t outsource your SEO
In days past we paid a lot of money every month for someone to look after our SEO. Things have changed with search engines where a few simple rules can put you in the front and keep you there.
Content is now the biggest driving force for SEO along with a few simple rules.
You were probably taught about keyword stuffing and all the great ways to include your Keyword in the blog. This is now an absolute no-no.
Importantly, the keyword should be in your title, your description, and your opening paragraph plus one H# header and that is it. That’s all that google needs to transport your readers to a healthy place
Email Marketing is as good today as it always was
You will be taken on a journey to Email marketing and how it can turn your interested viewers into valued customers.
Then we look at Autoresponders to send a series of emails targeting your buyers with specific products.
Finally, Email is an Artform and should always follow a set procedure. It is not a wham-bam approach but a soft introduction for a know-like and trust build-up to a sale.
Certainly, we look at including a picture in an email to increase your actions and when to have a call to action.
Then we talk about which carrier to use and save you money by choosing wisely.
Finally, how to build an email list is a subject everyone wants an answer to. Here will fill in a few holes for you.
New business online recommends learning to build videos.
Sales Videos, Youtube, and you
YouTube searches now equal Google in customer acceptance.
When you want to know how to do something the first thing is to search YouTube.
How do you do a successful video competing with professionals?
We take you by the hand at New business online and provide the vehicle that can turn anyone into a professional Producer, director, Cameraman, and actor.
Anyone can do a Video but we show you how to do a great video.
It might be about your company, a product, how to do a repair, safety issues, and Idea you can dream up.
Youtube is the Man, you need to be there.
SMS Marketing for instant results
SMS marketing for instant results
The thing with SMS is both instant delivery and instant results so that you can manage the flow.
We explain the laws and how to manage them for the best results and how to set up a message that achieves results.
I have a business that has a regular breakfast meeting.
We send out an invite about 5 days prior for good results. We have also found that by sending a reminder at 7 am on the day doubles the attendance.
Jeff Mack said
“The SMS is great, your methods increased results from a good turnout into a great one”
Fixed inbound SMS numbers saved several staff members
Talk about something different. For those in training, hospitality, sporting, and other industries.
Most importantly having a fixed-mobile style number will allow customers to message on the go. This saves staff time and provides a permanent record of the transactions.
After that, we found an inherent problem using this system so we needed to find a solution.
The problem lies with the sender not knowing if you have action-ed the message. As a result, they fire off another couple just in case, increasing traffic and confusion.
Using an automated reply that stated the message was received and to remember to book another appointment solved the problem and stopped the frantic messaging.
Fear of the Internet
This is an interesting subject based on a simple lack of knowledge or training.
I took the time to learn internet basics so that I could apply them to my business. The world is on the net so not understanding the ways to work it to your benefit will hurt you.
Above all else, you need support. New business online is a support product and also the live product at Wealthy Affiliate.
These posts will support a lot of what you need to advance your knowledge but to go further you need to invest some time in free training. First of all, this is available at The Wealthy Affiliate A site I wholeheartedly recommend. Wealthy Affiliate
WordPress 5.1 or Gutenberg
For those that are new to WordPress, this is a good start.
WordPress upgraded the way they build websites to meet the new demands of box building. Before they changed they ran a Beta trial called Gutenberg that simulated WP 5.
Importantly Gutenberg was a German Inventor of printing presses and his products were known Worldwide as a sign of excellence. My Brother a printer loved his machine even though it was decades old
However, the people at WP are a bit dubious about the change in people’s habits so they have offered an alternative.
You can download a Plugin called classic editor which is basically the old way of doing things.
The good thing is you can switch between the two at any time.
This is necessary because your old posts and pages can’t be edited in the other program. So Classic stays Classic and Gutenberg stays Gutenberg
The new editor is excellent and I am changing all my pages to it by rewriting them. A big job but a better product.
I have produced a couple of reports on this and these can be found in working with WordPress 5.1
For those that have been working with the old system just give it a go. Yes, it is different and has little boxes instead of inline but having done it a couple of times you won’t go back.
One of the purposes of this site is to get your feedback and needs so that we can supply a feed of new products of interest.
Let me keep you up to date and you do the work.
New business online by Peter Hanley
Affiliate marketing
Is there money in The affiliate business, there sure is on both sides of the fence. In this training by the marketer, we show just where the money is.
Finally, you can achieve money from Advertising.
Have a look at Viglink as an option but you will need some traffic to get accepted.
Further reading Online business marketing ideas