Why I became a Fiverr affiliate after ignoring a unique opportunity over a very long time. Is this the best on the market?
Yes Fiverr does have an affiliate program and it is good
Nothing comes easy but with so many varied opportunities this really does look and feel like an affiliate opportunity for every market player.
Reviewing the income part of the Fiverr affiliate program
What I really like about this is that you choose what you want for any campaign.
- An upfront payment
- Trickle-feed payment over the life of the customer
- Hybrid payments and getting the best of both worlds
Furthermore, you have a range of products to promote so you can really target your customer base.
Training and material included
This is all first-class material. Fiverr offer many ideas to promote the product and supplies graphics in all sizes, colors, and even languages so you are never lost for choice.
Your affiliate code is clearly displayed and the reporting is in real-time so you can track your followers at any time.
The whole system is first class and anyone will be impressed by the simplicity of the program.
There is a bundle of testimonials so I have used just one which is real and traceable. These are real people talking about their experiences.
I have used Fiverr a few times and nearly always with a good experience but like all things you really get what you pay for.
Is the $5 cost a myth or a branding presentation
When Fiverr first launched the $5 price was readily available as we exploited the lower economy countries. The five dollars could represent a day of living or a cup of coffee depending on where you resided. This remains the case in payments buy the skill levels have improved greatly.
Near me, I have companies called “half price Pottery, or Half Price pergolas that use the name as a brand. It gets people in for a bargain so Fiverr is literally living on a brand.
What you will pay should be relevant to the result you expect and the country in which the work is produced.
The cost should be relevant to the work produced but based on an expected hourly rate.
We know that in India and Bangladesh the hourly rate is less than in the US or UK.
The cost of living is different the way of life is not the same but a reasonable return is expected.
This equation should be considered when ordering a product and understanding whether you are getting fair value.
Another factor is the experience of the contractor. What one may do in ten minutes may take another hour. It could be the tools used or simply the experience and level of training.
The answer is to treat the $5 as an indication of value-based work that is produced in a manner and cost that you can’t match.
Fiverr puts you in control by providing choice
There will be always a choice of suppliers that you can choose with different prices and skill sets. They also have a star rating given by past uses that indicates what you can expect. Your choice will depend on what you expect to receive. payment is on results so there is little chance of bad ethics behind any contractor.
Why I became a Fiverr affiliate
Every affiliate marketer should have a chosen group of supply partners. A benefit of this is creating income from more than one source and protecting yourself from losing a supply agreement. For instance, Amazon sacks you after three months if you don’t perform despite the amount of work you have put into promotion.
I had another well-known brand move from a self-managed program to an aggregator. The clock restarted losing all past history.
Therefore a balance of channels relating to your industry is prudent marketing.
Every business anywhere will need to use Fiverr at some stage. This is a worldwide market so the choice of using this product should be a first-up pick as a partner.
Many will go direct because of history but your marketing can produce a recall of need.
Because you have a range of products to promote you can really target your niche on a suitable product that will bring in sales and income.
- Training products
- Logos, and simple artwork
- Web Sites
- SEO services
- YouTube products
It is a long list of products that will fit the needs of any emerging enterprise
Where to find Fiverr
Sometimes things will drop into your lap and you will say ” why didn’t I think of that?”
Fiverr affiliate opportunity is that opportunity.
There is a lot on offer and a bundle of things to help you along the way and you get well rewarded for your effort. It is a must-have for your tool kit.