The best content repurposing strategy

The best content repurposing strategy and How to Take One Task and Turn It Into Multiple Channels to gain greater customer traction

The best content repurposing strategy

We all have those days where it feels like we need to be everywhere at once—blogging, making videos, posting on social media. But here’s a little secret: you don’t have to come up with fresh content for every platform. Instead, take one task and turn it into content for multiple channels. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Start with a Blog Post

Let’s say your task for the day is writing a blog post on “The Best Affiliate Marketing Strategies for Beginners.” Take your time to craft a detailed, valuable post that breaks down different strategies, tips, and real-world examples. You’ve now got long-form content with depth and insight.

Step 2: Turn It Into a Video

Now, don’t just leave that blog sitting there. Pull out the main points and film a short video summarizing the key strategies. It doesn’t have to be fancy—just you in front of a camera, explaining your top tips. Videos are fantastic for engaging audiences who prefer to watch rather than read.

Step 3: Create a Facebook Post (or Series)

Next, condense that blog post even further for a Facebook post. You can do a simple text post with a hook that grabs attention, followed by a call-to-action like “Want to dive deeper? Check out the full blog here!” Or, break it into bite-sized tips and turn it into a week’s worth of content. Each post can focus on one strategy from the blog, giving your audience value over time.

Step 4: Repurpose for Other Channels

Feeling ambitious? You can turn that blog post into Instagram carousel slides, LinkedIn articles, Twitter threads, or even Pinterest infographics. The possibilities are endless, and the best part is—you only started with one task.

Step 5: Fill your channels

This is a daily action where I maximize, to the greatest extent possible, a single subject. My YouTube post is shared on my blog and also to Facebook and X. Then we make a series of emails for our customers so every one gets the message
Youtube example

The best content repurposing strategy


Image of author

By turning one task into multiple pieces of content, you maximize your productivity while keeping your audience engaged across different platforms. It’s all about working smarter, not harder!

The best content repurposing strategy by peter Hanley

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