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make money online with home based business


make money online with home-based business

Make money online with home-based business or go into a real business? Here Peter Hanley digs deep into making money at home online in your PJ’s
without any effort.

What a crock of rubbish can anyone make money from a home based business. Well, let me tell you I wrote a book on this and it is available on this page. I looked at over 101 ideas and came up with some really good ones

To start when I say you can make money on-line at home  I mean it takes some planning and some effort but it can be done.

Let’s look at some ideas of home-based businesses.

First up is The Internet.

Affiliate marketing is an easy gig. It’s a great way to start and the learning curve leads you on to other great ventures.
What is affiliate marketing?
it is simply promoting someone else’s product and getting paid for it.
My disclaimer, as usual, there are good products and crappy products so choose wisely.  I promote throughout this post Wealthy Affiliate as the best, without doubt, the most honest product on the market.
Read the reviews of the many others that share my view.

Telephone-based ideas for a home business

Cold calling
Debtor collection
Surveys. Be careful on this one a lot are scams
Appointment settings for local businesses

Money for time working from home

Like anything in this land if you expend the time you need to be paid a reasonable return. What is a reasonable return?
If you work at a local business what would you ask for in a pay packet?
You will spend time in learning a new trade at no value so this needs to be factored forward.
You may discount the amount because you don’t need to dress up, travel or waste time and it is achieved in a time to suit you. maybe around the kids or other commitments.
To balance that you should value add the hourly rate to cover sick days and holidays and Superannuation. This is generally based on a 25% premium to the hourly rate.

make money online with home based business

So we know what we are worth how do we go about working from home?

Getting rid of ideas

First up let’s get rid of making things. Knitting, toys, Jam, all the other things you love to do. China does it cheaper and better. My wife made a rug for a granddaughters new baby, bought material, beading, labels and did a great job. Loved by the kid but you can buy in cheaper in target.

Try personal labour as a Job.

Gutter cleaningmake money online with home based business
Home handyman
There is a bundle of these opportunities for those so inclined. It is not for all of us.

We all have a book in us.

We should all write a book. Seriously now this is a great idea because it will provide you with immense pleasure in doing so. You won’t make any money but we should all do it. It is good for the soul.

make money online with home based business
E-books are no different. In most cases, they are used as a give away to obtain your details so they can sell you something else.
When you have a particular skill you may be able to leverage some benefit and cash writing e-books.

Making money with Fiverr

There is a website called Fiverr. Here you can be a buyer and or a seller and it is all about doing small jobs for the small change. Here you can use your abilities to use a particular skill to make a quick buck.
The original idea behind this site was you made us$5 a job. If you are in a third world country us$5 to design a logo might well be worthwhile but to spend an hour or so when wages are higher not so.
Then buying a logo for $5.00 is another thing, cheap.
Here is the twist. You can sell logos or whatever to the local market and get them made on Fiverr. The markup is great, the product good and you are only the middleman.
Log0s, Voiceovers. web pages, you name it you can have it.

The great Amazon makes money dream.

First up you can make money by selling Amazon products. Just do a Webpage, get an Amazon affiliate deal and away you go. Pretty simple stuff.

Hold up there and wait before you get too excited. You really need to understand what you are doing before you plunge in and waste a lot of time and money. It can be done and you can make money but the margins have been tightened over time so you need to be good.

To learn this you can go to Amazon University 

Or similar places to learn the procedures required.
You also need to understand Web pages and SEO and gathering clients so log into the Wealthy affiliate and do some basic training.
I don’t believe you will get rich with this but you can make a regular income.

Wealthy affiliate have a full section of free training that is worth having a look at and setting up a free Amazon site is made easy. This is graet training for later on when you have a real product to promote.

Shopify a good idea

Setting up a home business is relatively easy with Shopify. You can link to payments and products and ship products all day long. Has a small cost to get into and a very big learning curve

Do a few things before you try this because if it is done correctly it is very good but it can hurt you in time, money and incentive to continue.

A cheaper alternative is with WordPress using the Woocommerce free plug-In

Don’t go searching for Shiny objects

We all fall for it, buying a course on a course and the next get rich scheme that comes on line.
Get your basic training so you will understand a scam from a get rich promoter. Remember there is only one person that gets rich, the promoter.

In conclusion, the reason I continually promote the Wealthy Affiliate is that it gives you a good grounding in any of the above ideas. You need to understand, web pages, social media, SEO and marketing to make any sort of entry into making money.

Finally, I wish the best of success in your venture. Working from home is great, I have done it for eight years now and will continue on for many more.

For those that are seniors I have written more.

Make money online with home based business

Image of authorPeter Hanley


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