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Working from home jobs



There are so many working from home jobs that we try to introduce them slowly so that you are not overwhelmed.

I did a book on this available at that details 101 home business ideas available to view.See below.

Today I want to introduce the latest most exciting venture possible that anyone can do.

It is a fact that Videos are taking over the market and that YOUTUBE now gets searched as much as Google.

Furthermore, If you want to know how to do something Youtube is your destination of choice.

To help you I have teamed up with Content Samurai to do my videos.


So, if you want to know how to create professional content videos that are capable of generating millions of views and snatching easy front page rankings?

Then you need to check out this new video system called “Content Samurai”…


I guarantee you’ve never seen anything like this before…

Mark my words, it’s going to completely change the way you do digital marketing forever.


As you know a video is now critical for just about every aspect of digital marketing today…

However, because creating videos has always been a laborious, expensive and highly technical process, in the past it’s really only been available to big businesses with BIG budgets.

But finally, that’s all changed…

Because Content Samurai’s revolutionary new video creation system is SO EASY to use, generating tons of professional videos that produce an avalanche of traffic is now anyone’s game…

Working from home jobs

And it’s fast, REALLY FAST…

So, if you want the ultimate shortcut to start killing it with video, do yourself a favour and check out Content Samurai out now…

best of all, it’s totally free to get started!

You can get free access here:

This may seem all too easy and it really is. You can do a video in about one hour and load it to youtube.

You will need a YouTube account and that is free plus you will need a Keyword Finder which can be found on this site.

Keywords are how people find you so do a bit of research on this. A great place to start is Wealthy Affiliate free training. Search for Youtube and learn how to get a lot of clicks for your site.

When selling this to local businesses or any business for that matter there are a few things you need to gather.

  • The message they want to deliver, and what is the aim of the video.
    Is it to sell, Describe or promote a business or product?
    Your video must take the watcher to a conclusion or action by the end of the video.
  • Search terms and categories must be identified.
  • Visual images they want to display. Logo address block, staff photo etc.

After doing a few videos in your free trial you will get a good understanding of what you can do and have a demonstrator for your client.

What would you charge for this Video creation?

I believe a $500 charge would be reasonable based on the hours needed to do the project on a nominal $100 per hour charge. As you grow and include a lot more tricks this will double or treble your income with working from home jobs.

Repeat business is good business.

Once you have a customer that likes your product there will be upgrades, changes and new products flowing in on a regular basis.

Do you have the skills?

There is full training on the product and regular updates on opportunities so anyone can do this with a computer and a few basic skills.

Plus there is more.

Noble samurai also has an affiliate option for you to promote this or their other products with a really good trailing income. You can promote the idea to others and earn income from them. You can only do so many videos it is easy to share with others not in your immediate capture area.

You could even train them at a fee and become the go-to coach and make money while sitting at home.

The video maker is without a doubt the most simple and straightforward product I have ever used. This will create professional and saleable products with ease.

Things to do.

  1. Set up a Youtube account. Free and easy
  2. Do a bit of training on Youtube at Wealthy affiliate it’s free
  3. Get your free trial at Content Samurai and start building videos
  4. Make a list of target customers to contact. Hint Real Estate is a great place to start
  5. Start banking your money

More in this series of Making money online

Working from home jobsPeter Hanley



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