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Affiliate ​programs that pay

Affiliate programs that payAffiliate ​programs that pay

So you want to get rich making a bundle of money online with Affiliate programs that pay.

Here’s how not to do it or don’t make all the mistakes I made with Affiliate programs that pay.

I admit to being an online junkie, Having taken a bundle of courses, some for free some that cost money.

Having invested in a myriad of programs and books to learn all the things you need to know. Having spent hours in online meetings learning new things that will make me RICH.

Having played with Social media and tried many of the current trends like Facebook, Instagram. Twitter Google+ messenger, what’s app and some I can’t remember

Having set up a list building page on a niche that I had an interest in Facebook/katiehan1616 The tail of rescue cats and their activities. We did a calendar last year to sell on the site without success and ended up giving them away. The site now has a couple of thousand followers and I spend a small amount of time once a week on the site. Make money? Heck no but Having and continue to enjoy it.

Unpaid SEO

It also has given me a better understanding of how it all works for paid and unpaid SEO

The main reason I started this journey was to better my understanding of the internet for my daily business interest in Verdi messaging.

Plus, I wanted to make some money. I tried Amazon and Web backup services and a few other things along the way.

I now believe my failing was a lack of focus, trying to do everything and nothing properly.

Things have changed so much on the internet over the past few years and continue to do so at an even more rapid rate. It is very easy to fall behind and lose sight of how it all affects our lives.

Where is it all going?

I am not young anymore, well in birth years anyway and mixing with different age groups and maintaining a level of understanding really helps.

When I check my phone in the morning I need to check Facebook, Instagram, messenger. Read the news online, google email, normal email, weather and footy tips to start the day. All of these have only come into daily use within the past 10 years so it really is a keep up job.

Now if everyone is doing the same, how do we connect to them?

So I wrote a book, well two in fact because everyone needs to be a published author. Have I sold many? Not really but given quite a few away. Shame because they were pretty good.

I wrote the book mainly because my wife beat me to it and wrote her own, and it was good but not for sale.

I had a business website that did not work all that well so I wanted to do it better. My journey was to do it better at a price I was willing to pay. That would have been $1 thousand v $10 thousand a big difference

To do this you need an understanding of what it is all about to get the results you want. A bit like owning a car without an engine looks great but does not go anywhere.

Furter reading; do bloggers make money

Where to next

The terms like Keywords, or SEO plus images and H tags and internal over external links. Pages over posts the list is endless.

I wanted to learn and learn quickly.

Backing up a tad, when I started this journey you really needed to know HTML coding to build a site, a computer language that is a degree on its own to write effectively.

Now you have online stores, page builders and themes, menus and Apps, funnels and blogs and the list goes on.

To get this far Having files of training and how to sheets and lost time in front of a computer.

Then I stumbled on a site that brought me some clarity. Although, it was not instant.

Some clarity

Understanding all this takes time so you need to do it a chunk at a time. How you tackle it depends on what you want to achieve.

You might start with Facebook or Instagram and create a following and that is great for retail businesses.

Perhaps an email list is a way to go as you get your contacts or even an SMS message to all your clients on mobile phones.

All this is great but eventually, it comes back to needing a website, plus, importantly being found on that site.

My site new business online covers many of the parts of the puzzle but everything comes back to proper training.

Importantly it may be training you need today and need to find it easily.

Nothing on the internet today is easy, it is all a learning curve and mistakes cost you time and money.

You should understand what you are doing before you fire away. Or the car has no engine.

Facebook page

Having a Facebook page is great, for family and fiends it is easy to set up and reach your contacts quickly and follow their daily transgressions or happy times. Really good stuff.

Affiliate ​programs that pay

Having a business page is different. You need to develop followers that want to know you, they need to like and trust you and go to your WEBSITE where you can sell to them.

As soon as you get out of play mode it becomes more difficult and often costly to establish your brand. It matters not if it is Facebook or Instagram or any other media you choose you need training.

No time to train, not interested then get someone else to do it for you.

Your customers come to you through the internet, in one way or another to understand the journey.

The world has changed so quickly that to keep up is a constant learning curve.

Training to learn

Every week I do an hour to hour and a half long training session with my group that covers something that you should do to maximize your chances in this brave new world.

Affiliate ​programs that pay

These small ideas build a bigger business for you and are there for all members either free or premium.

An interesting aside is you can change the speed of delivery of the message. Normal speed or 1.5 times voice or even 2 times. My intake is quite quick so I do get sometimes bored with a slow delivery in a lecture, flicking to 1.5 times focuses my attention and keeps me on the song for longer. Another internet gains.

This is really worth a try and available to anyone.

We have talked about Social media, websites, training and the many inputs to your business that you need to know.

I searched for many years for an answer and eventually found it. My problem was I didn’t realize what I had.

Affiliate Income on the web can come from many places,

You can get paid a referral bonus to a site you believe in.

Adsense pays you when people click on an Advert on your page.

You get paid a commission for selling products like Amazon

you link to a site that recognizes your code and pays you.

You promote a product you use and recommend
The commission comes as low as 1-2% up to 40 or 50% or higher. When are selling big buck items this is good.

Monthly income, you get paid every month a share of what is paid. This way you can build up a business.

Further reading; Online business marketing

Affiliate programs that pay

An Example is with Wealthy Affiliate, you get paid approx $24 a month for every paid member you recommend.

So the annual return is $272 a good return.

Does anyone make money at this?

They sure do, the top sellers at WA regularly sell over 300 a year and in fact, earn a trip to Las Vegas when they do.

Several go annually and have for years, You can build a business over time.

Learn what to do before you try what you do. This is the answer.

Affiliate ​programs that pay

Affiliate ​programs that pay

Peter Hanley


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Antonia Fernandez

    Hello Hanley, it really is very similar to my trip, I also embark on learning HTML and it is exciting, besides java and other open source programs, I love the programming theme, it is too exciting for me, however I have parked on the “pending” list because it takes time to learn and I want to enjoy it.

    For the people that we want to win before you learn the DNA of the internet, that is, the art of programming and create scrpt code to make our own site, this program is wonderful, it goes straight to what you need without a hype or cymbal, it is the most easy that I found myself in the network,

    Now I’m learning to talk to the Bussines Manager of Facebook to love me, and then I’ll give you anucios, well while I learn to conquer it hahaha, I’m in WA, making blogs that I love too,

    I wish you the best, Congratulations!

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