Best Hosting Websites- the need to choose carefully is a title of immense importance for both daily applications and long-term value growth.
What is web Hosting anyway?
. Web hosting is basically a service that stores all the data from your website and delivers the requested information when anyone online tries to access one of your pages. If you choose shared hosting, you can usually expect your website to be stored on a large server in a data centre. There is also the option of dedicated web hosting where you have your own server, but this is only really practical if your website has millions of visitors a month.
Paid hosting sites
If you search google you will find hundreds of hosting companies that you can choose from. Lots of top 10 sites or top 5 sites so the choice is really wide. It is now down to what you want or are provided with in terms of facilities and storage. Go Daddy is probably the number one but later costs creep up.
Free hosting sites
Generally available for smaller sites or specific purposes. Some with advertising some with few features. Now, this may be the way to go but read on for my answer.
Page builder intro.
In many cases, you will be introduced to a funnel or page builder site to use the wonders they have to offer. Guess what they are generally associated with a hosting site they own, maybe even at a premium
Self Hosting
This is often done for high volume sites that have huge traffic and storage. Not for the amateur or minor user.
Multiple domains
Back in the olden days ( like a couple of years back) some sights were single domain hosts. When you started a new domain you needed a new service.
Moving a website to a new hosting provider.
The first thing to do is record what Theme you are using because they are not all compatible. You can then go into Tools download on your dashboard and save your details.
Apply to your new host and set up an account before asking the old provider to forward your website to them.
Your domain name needs to be redirected to the new host from the current domain Host. This may be different from your web host. They will have the details.
Now you are there download your theme and go to tools/ upload chose your file and you are back in operation
Why is choosing a good host so important?
You are going to put considerable effort into a web page in the hope that it will deliver prosperity for you. Therefore you don’t want any roadblocks down the way. Slow site, no Security tags, flaky or going out of business.
The benefit of using different hosting companies.
As we built websites and increased our knowledge we tended to gather new hosts that offered a value greater than we were getting. I confess to still having three hosts because I am arguable to too lazy to consolidate.
Most hosting opportunities now allow multiple domains on the one account so it is easy to manage your sites.
Who would I pick as a host?
Read on for my advice but support is the number one issue. Cost is not a consideration.
Best hosting websites.
There is one that stands out from the crowd in my opinion. This is based on what they deliver. Yes, they are free but only for your first two domains, if you want to grow then you need to start paying. I wrote recently about what they provided at Free website hosting
So now I declare my hand. I host with them and have done for many years with the complete package ahead of anything else.
HTTPS certificate
Speed Boost
Page builder
50 domain capacity
Affiliate income
Site report
Live Chat
Support that works
Training and more
Free Keyword tool Click the key on the side to try it out
Yes, Wealthy Affiliate, the hands down number 1 web host company.
Over 300, 000 fans can’t be wrong.
Peter Hanley