Grammarly and why I use it?
Grammarly and why I use it? This is not in itself a review more an opinion on a product that I find really useful but not everything is perfect in the real world of words.
First up I am of senior years and improving my Grammar and writing skills is a heady task. I have forever been a poor speller as well as a writer whose mind is ahead of my typing skills.
I have often stated that I read sentences and paragraphs and not words and form pictures in my mind not thinking about structure. I am a prodigious reader often having more than one book on the go at any one time and increasing my knowledge by training of some type as well.
This was my latest report card from Grammarly
Persistence, tenacity, grit—whatever you want to call it, you have it in spades! Keep on writing! You’re only a few weeks away from a six-month streak!
14205 words being 96% more productive than other users
Vocabulary 96% more than other Grammarly users
Accuracy just 62% “Oh well I told you so.”
Not a bad effort if I do say so myself. The reports are sent weekly and my accuracy varies but that is the least of it.
Grammarly corrects all your writing, even your emails. Well, when I say corrects that is not quite right.
Grammarly highlights words, phrases and punctuation offering suggestion on changes. You can add new words, pick words or carry on. I tend to miss a lot of commas and it pulls me up every time.
Yes I also use a variety of spell checkers and each has its own way but Grammarly comes back to final choice every time.
Grammarly in its basic format, more than you would normally use is free but you can upgrade if you so desire. I haven’t and can see no reason to.
Yes, Grammarly has an affiliate link as well but they knocked back my application to be an Affiliate. Oh well, recommending a free service does not line your pockets with money so I wanted to share this anyway.
What others say about Grammarly
Unfortunately, there are many, many different complaints and negative reviews available online for this product. As any teacher will tell you, grammar programs and software are notoriously unreliable, because simply having a bot scan your writing without the ability to truly understand what is being said makes it very difficult to know what changes should be made. Because of this, it would not be surprising if did a poor job of properly correcting sophisticated grammar mistakes.
However, apparently also has significant trouble with basic grammar functions, like correcting spelling mistakes and common word choice errors. The website performed some very detailed tests on this software which exposed some serious failings.
Other reviews were about functional issues, saying that the program didn’t always work, and some customers complained that they could upload a paper to the program and make all the changes recommended, and then upload the same paper later and be told they were many other changes still to be made.
My take is that it fulfils a daily role that will suit most of us.
Do you know of a better program, let me know and I will write about it. Just make a comment below.
Did you try the free version of Grammarly, if so, let me know your experience in a brief comment below?