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Reach, definition applied to marketing

Reach, definition applied to marketing

Here Peter Hanley looks at Reach, definition applied to marketing and how it affects you in your search to make an online income.

It is always good to look for a definition of a word and here it states

Reach, or reaching is a synonym for come, coming, arrive, arriving, attend, attending etc. In Australia, we also use it for vomiting so If I am making you sick just switch over to my free training A Wealthy Affiliate

I  thought this is an opportunity to reach into your planning and your attempts to make money online.

It is hard work and I am sure you will agree but the great thing is that it is possible.
Possible for anyone at any age.
You have many ways to make it big and land a stay at home job.
The main thing is you need to pick a direction, make your plan and follow the plan to success. You stay in the plan until you reach your objective.

You don’t reach out for every shinney object, this is possible if you are following the road you chose. Diversion tactics are everywhere and all they do is scuttle your attempts at reaching the finish line.

Training is important on the web.

You must be trained in what you do. You are the master in your product.
It might be Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, affiliate marketing, web page building, SEO, writing or any number of online situations.

Just stay focused until you reach a goal. Off course you can reach out to others for support and we offer that at Wealthy Affiliate with a great community to help.

I had a problem today

Just today I had a problem with a new Affiliate program being launched and I wanted to understand it better, Scam or opportunity  I was unsure.
So I posted on the forum and asked the question

Five minutes later about a dozen replies on what others had experienced so I had content for a scam alert. I had reached out for help.
Some of the relies were average, not everyone has the answers but two of them filled in all the gaps.

What I want you to do is achieve your online goals with a minimum of time wasting.
We all do it, sidetracked to attention getters at any drop of the hat. Now is the time to check my emails so back in a moment….. Great news item on the Cricket in Bangladesh that needed reading, oh and what is Kym Kashadarian wearing today, boy some cleavage.

Ok, back to where I was.

I try to work hard in work bites of 30 to 45 minutes where I avoid distractions and set a goal. It might be 300 words, picture gathering, keyword research it matters not other than focus.

I am working my plan to reach a goal and market my product and you should as well.

I Rang my daughter the other day and said What’s Up.
She replied that she was dithering with a subject that required Attention.
We worked out there was just two maybe three thirty minute blocks until picking up the kids after school. Now her decision was to waste that time or make the most of it.

Reach, definition applied to marketing
Focus set in and the writing was completed, the kids picked up and no pressure regarding unfinished work carried into Kid Time.

How do you know stuff

You need some training and I use the free service offered by the Wealthy Affiliate to cover everything I do online.
I also recommend the service and make a buck but that is another story. It is, without doubt, the best value product on the market for everything web and marketing.
Don’t believe me as a lone voice. Reach out to others using the site and get their opinion. Cost you nothing and plenty to gain.


You can say thanks later.

Reach, definition applied to marketingPeter Hanley



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