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How to improve SEO for a website

How to improve SEO for a website

How to improve SEO for a website is a subject by Peter Hanley on saving money and doing your own SEO the correct way to a first-page listing

Here are ten things you could do to save money and build SEO for your website.
The alternative is to get someone to do it for you and pay out big money.

Let’s start at the top and with number One on the list.

  • Writing posts is important for SEO

The single most important thing you can do is regularly post appropriate content to your site.
What is regular you will ask and the best answer is every day. Anything less than that is ok but
more is really better.
A post can be anywhere from just 300 words through to 3000 words so the choice is yours.

I have written the Long form and short form and both work depending on the content.

The more you post the more people see you.

  • Two great ideas to write with.

I use Grammarly  for all my writing. This is a free download that checks your spelling and grammar
and encourages better writing. Google hates bad grammar as much as your readers.

The other one is coschedule for free headlines. Just log in and scroll to the bottom for the free stuff.
It will make you reconsider your headlines and get really good open rates.

  • Get better SEO by Using Yoast SEO

If you are a WordPress client a great free Plugin is Yoast SEO. This provides a green light
on both your writing and SEO. Plus it tells you what you have done wrong and how to fix it
this is a great cheat sheet approach to SEO

  • Check your headlines for # tag headings for better SEO

Your headlines should flow down from the top. That is you use the H1# as your main one then go down from there in the post.  Don’t have them all over the place, other than looking messy Google does not like it.

I also make my heading read like Keywords so that it adds to the search variety.How to improve SEO for a website

  • Review your content for better SEO.

It is undisputed that Content is King in all web pages and posts. If you write rubbish you get rubbish so
think about how you can improve your writing.
Write for the short attention span reader.
Short sentences
not many paragraphs under a heading
lots of headings
include product appropriate pictures with a heading

  • Post your writing to Google

  • How to improve SEO for a website

You need to post to Google which requires a Google account with appropriate
header coding to be placed on your website

You should also use Google Plus to send your posts to.

  • Post to Bing and Yahoo for greater acceptance

Like with Google open a Bing account and obtain the linking code to embed in your post.

You are lucky here because this flows to Yahoo  so no need to do it twiceHow to improve SEO for a website

  • Connect from Social Media

Every post should also be sent to Facebook and Instagram and if your market is suitable
LinkedIn. Facebook still has a big pull and should also direct readers to your website and post

  • Use paid adsHow to improve SEO for a website

This can be costly and return very little so do it with the best intentions and knowledge. Do not throw money
into the wind and Hope. It does not work.

  • Analyze your traffic.

You should have Google analytics on your site so you can really see what is happening.

This is free and drives all your decisions going forward on how well the site is going.

I have learned all this and more at the Wealthy Affiliate

Image of the authorPeter Hanley


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