How to work on the internet


How to work on the internet

How to work on the internet was written by Peter Hanley to explain to a close friend how to build a career and make money whilst having fun

I know you believe it is just a waste of time and only a handful of people ever achieve an income.

You believe it is sort of like Multilevel marketing where you work your butt off so someone else earns the income. All the promises of big income never work. We all know someone who has tried and failed.

The Internet is different. Huge opportunities still exist and you are not up-streaming your efforts to someone’s gain like a pyramid of people where only a few make it.

I know I have wasted a heap of time on the net but it has been an investment in learning so that I can take the next step. Much of my learning has gone into my other websites and is used for my business’s betterment.  Certainly not wasted.

Like all new things you need to mess up a few times before you find out what works best.

I have tried a coaching site, a shop site, written a couple of books, promoted web backup, and a few new business sites as well.
Having launched a site on Rescue cats to help in my learning and we did a great calendar that no one bought the site has a great following but is not monetised, YET.

My time has involved learning a bit about Facebook, Instagram, Google Plus, LinkedIn, and Instagram among a few others to learn about the latest trends in Social Media. These are changing so fast that it is hard to keep up unless you are constantly evolving.

All of that is great you will say but where is the money?

Yes, I do earn commissions but more on that a bit further on.

I searched for a long time for somewhere that the training was cheap and all-inclusive so that it covered everything you need to know. The Internet is massive not just in size but in what you can gain from it. More

I started building WordPress websites just to understand what was involved.

The story of Keywords is really necessary before you do anything. This is how you are found on the internet when someone types a search on Google.  If you use the wrong words you are doomed to failure lost in a world of a billion searches. This is an early mistake we all make as we charge on to a new adventure of web building. I like most others did not do this early lesson.

Next came Plug-ins, whoa you say this sounds difficult and it is and it’s not. Plugins are a bit like gears in a car they help you drive the car by doing all the behind the scene work. There are free ones and paid-for ones and you start by including as many as you can because they are all helpful and do their bit so you don’t have to. Wrong!  They now start slowing down your website and cross conflicting creating minor problems all around.

What is it about plugins?

I will give you a great example of just one plugin Called Yoast SEO.

When building a website there are things you must do and rules you should follow to achieve maximum search value. What Yoast does is provide a list of good and bad in your writing plus good and bad in your SEO  (That’s the next topic) so you don’t mess up completely.

There are ones that limit Spam and protect the site and commercial ones that provide value. Thousands of them are on an easy-to-search list.
You need to know, however, what the plugins do to your site and how to manage them and no one tells you because they want to promote their products.



Search Engine Optimization ( SEO) is how you set up your site to be found with a Google search.
This is a degree subject and contains so many elements that without a fundamental understanding you have no chance.

I did all sorts of courses until I joined a group that hosted your website and told you what to do. Good hosting and it was free to start so let’s give it a go. I then did start building a half dozen sites that were going to change the world and make me money. I knew the basics so the rest was easy.

Now on this site called Wealthy Affiliate (WA), many people are making big money and I am not talking about the site owners who are probably doing all right turning over $100 mill or so.

These people are just ordinary people who are tutored from start to finish on what to do.
Take for instance one I follow whose name is Grace or self-titled Little Mamma. Mother to two girls and a husband. Joined WA in late 2016 and the first real sign-ups started in Jan 2018 when she had 7 sign as a paid WA user. At the end of August Grace had over 300 current signups.

The value of this is about us$7000 a month and a free trip to Vegas, not bad earnings.

To get to this point Grace posted about 500 posts to her site at about 10 a week. What is a post?

What is a post?

This is a post on my site with about 100 other posts so 20% of the way.

Now, this is a good living for anyone particularly as it will grow over the coming years to double or triple this. But what is special is that this was done with 100% SEO as taught at WA. No bought traffic.

What is even more special is that now Grace wants to share her whole episode so that anyone can follow, free, with nothing to gain for Grace except the goodwill from helping others.

I cite this story of Grace because she is your normal stay-at-home mum that took about 16 months to get a sign-on, she worked hard and consistently and never gave up. Everything was achieved by following the training available at WA.

Take for example Gerry H a 21-year-old Taiwanese boy residing in Singapore.
Jerry just posted 93 paid signups in a month with a cheque for US$3,926. His site has only 200 posts and he posted
24 in August, great effort Jerry H

Or another Eddy S, an African American that fell foul with Google in 2014 and had his sites squashed. August 2018 Eddy
lifted his earnings to us$1,650 with WA contributing $3577 of that.  A wonderful story of recovery and Eddy thanks WA

With well over 200,000 WA members this is just a few of many more stories.


How hard is it to write 500 posts on a website?

A 1300-word post is about 2 hours of writing depending on your typing skill. Add a few pictures, and some links, connect to Google, Yahoo and Bing say 2.5 hours every day.

Is this investment worth the outcome?

Grace can go on holiday for 6 months and the income continues every month with a cheque into the bank.  It could continue for years to come meaning that her year of input should return over us$500.000.

This is just one example, some have a base of 2500 paying clients-putting them in the Million dollar-a-year club. Top 10% but they got there in the same way.

Can you achieve this sort of income without effort?

No!  It takes a period of learning before you even start to look like making money.

The initial online training manual is 5 courses and 50 lessons plus homework to get started on your online venture.

Have I done the WA training?

Surprisingly the answer is yes twice. The first time I skipped through and missed too much and found out I did not know enough so I went through the course again, one at a time.

The second unit is The Boot camp of 7 units and 70 hours of training.

Then there is weekly Training of about an hour on a selected idea.

Plus homework and site-building.


Are you exhausted yet?

An interesting aside is the speed listening choice. My attention needs to be fully turned on and I get bored with rambling so I switch the audio to 1.5 times normal. Now you need to concentrate but you cut the period down and achieve more, well I do anyway.

Ok, what can you sell after all of this training?

You can use it for your niche or product, an Amazon product, recruiting WA affiliates, or recruiting people for other products. I am a Jaxxy affiliate (a WA company) Aweber, Noble Samurai, and a couple of others as well. These are all top-tier companies that have a proven record.

How to work on the internet with affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is selling other peoples products and getting paid a commission for doing so. Therefore you have no stock , do no billing , carry no credit  just market the heck out of products. You can be an affiliate for more than one company at a time and even make money by running advertising on your sales site. 

I did a small write up on how lucrid this is .

So you don’t know what to sell?


That is what the training is for. They tell you how to find your ideal and proceed with your choice.
Only you can make that choice but they do guide you to make a selection.

So what is the cost of all this?

The initial entry is absolutely without charge. This includes a hosted website also free.

A full fee is $60 a month but you can have up to 50 websites and you get a few other advantages as well. I upgraded some time ago as I host about 10 sites at WA and use the free Keyword calculator worth money on its own.
Your package is so value-loaded that it is cheap by all standards.

One of the best support services available anywhere.

The online chat group will answer questions all day. Even your basic ones are well used to starters asking the same things.

Type in a topic and a course will be shown covering the issue.

Or go to site support for 24-7 answers.

Members post Blogs about all sorts of subjects and you are invited to join in. This is a real family atmosphere where you can follow the lives, successes, and failures of other members. I have chosen a half dozen of the top performers to follow and a few other randoms because I enjoy their writing.

This community activity can take over your life as you follow a journey that may just be personal.

Just today one member posted about losing his father and the effect on him and another apologizing that her contributions were slow but her Husband has been sick. This alongside an achievement or two and a few problems that have been solved.

A new lifestyle

If you are so inclined this part of the site may be all you need in life and believe me when I say it is addictive

As you learn it is good to share and you are encouraged to use the blog forum to gain a following in WA.

The greater the following more benefits flow your way but we are not in it for benefits.

Warning It may take over your life.

It has mine as I am determined to hit that 300 affiliate sale mark if not this year by the end of 2019.

I will do the work and the training to make sure of success. I shall not give in and I shall shout the results loudly, just like Gracie, when I make it to the top.  The Wealthy affiliate


How to start an online business for free, image of the author

Peter Hanley

Is affiliate marketing for you?

For the record I am over 75 years old, working and
producing material for and on the internet. If I can you can.


How many words in a post

How to work on the internet by Peter Hanley

First year blogging income

Is affiliate marketing still lucrative

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